Ironing 1.17. 2013
Breathing in the steam and the smell of hot wool rising from the ironing board, I move the iron so not to crease, but glide smoothly over the surface, penetrating every cell of fabric, And I know with whole heart that this simple act is no less an offering than burning incense at the Buddha’s feet. And in this, I am home on the earth and blessed by steam and smell and touch and am at one with the sheep who gave her wool, the grasses upon which she grazed. and the sheep farmer’s children, yet unborn. ****************************************** What Calls 1.22.13 What calls me now? How fluid can this body be? Unshackled by tasks, free, open to emergent streams, breaking into unknown space… what is becoming from Being? Now, this. Simply this. Watch for greed and grasping. Accept what tumbles through the crack. Embrace and kiss what comes, let it expand like a bubble, iridescent, fragile, transparent and soon to disappear. Every breath rises and falls. And this fluid body, too, in perfect timing will fall back through the crack. And that which calls, which is forever becoming, this free and open Being, will still live. ********************************************** Truth 3.3.13 Now I know why Truth is called the razor’s edge. It slices so precisely to the bare bone of what has been soft, fleshy illusion, hazy corners of comfort and pretend. In one sharp instant, the blinders fall away and the crack from what falls off is deafening, shattering and yes, freeing. Freeing, after the pain of realization, After the pain of seeing what falseness has been lived, And what has been spent to keep the untruth alive. And isn’t the alive untruth the same as death? After that, there is the breath. Breathing into the hard stuff, slivers, strands, grasping, losing it, how elusive it is… then grabbing hold again and pulling it four-square into the Heart. Into the Heart, a holy womb, where it can gestate and be and then… And then, the breath that feels new. Fresh air, softer, more spacious. Coming alive to Truth is like being born. It’s learning to breathe in a whole new way. Whole, new, yes. And the afterbirth? What comes after now that this dark part has been dug up into the light And seen, and felt? What repercussions, what loss and for whom? In the blinding Light of Truth, In this new way of breathing, anything that may have cared dissolves, and there is nothing but space breathing. freedom being. A silent hallelujah. |
Immediacy 1.22.13
Immediacy, the moment opens and seeps possibility. Life, magic, wonder, revelation. a feeling of yes, of resolution, of birth, of connection. Breadcrumbs dropping following aliveness resounding. Here it is. Simplicity. The crack open to the Light The unnamable, unspeakable here, never not. So listen. Dance. ***********************************************_________________ Doing 1.22.13 Doing is not the problem, but doing from the crystallized structures of mind and shoulds and lists is the way of the walking dead, the mindless Borg, automatons as busy bees, building whose hive, really? And where is the honey? But doing from Being, ah, now this is aliveness itself, Fluid and free, surprising, walking into and out of the mystery with hands and feet fulfilled. This is joy and sweetness. sustenance and art. Put down those soapy dishes when the poem starts alive in your mouth. Twirl through the park, When moved by something melodic and pure. Worry not about those who are dead, gawking and pointing. Be, Simply be. Flow, let the spigot of life flow and do you. Be absent in the doing and marvel, just marvel, at what gets done. ****************************************** Hard Labor 3.8.2013 Craving, wanting arises, Fear of doing the wrong thing, Sitting with all, Wrestling with the angel, Night and day, Breathing into, Pushing away, Breathing into, Running scared, Opening Contracting, Yes, birth is happening, But what am I birthing? And then this morning, In the blur of soft snow flurries and hazy light, I see. Addiction to connection. Addiction to having everything in order, All in its place, nothing chaotic and unresolved, all the loose ends tied up neatly. Grasping for resolution, some hard and fast something to cling to. Ha! Seeing it, my heart opens, The body becomes soft. Letting it be, breathing into letting it be. Wanting nothing except what is. Pure simplicity. Nothing at all to do. not doing from a pure and simple Being. All wanting dissolved. All judgment, all fear gone. Nothing but now. Now nothing. I see, I am birthing no-thing. A zero. Lightness of Being, Even the turmoil of labor and birthing is dissolved in That. ********************************************* Waking Poem, The Joke 9.14.2010 Being a Portal Is being empty, Like a zero, But the One and the Many, No-thing Full to overflowing, Enso, The Mystery manifesting as everything. Toenails and trees, Babies and planets, Silly thoughts and treatises. Everything and Nothing I AM the eye of the needle, Empty space The Black Hole A vesica pisces filled with stars. To be nothing and everything, Empty and full, This is the Cosmic Joke. Maniacal LOL, Simple peace-full smile. Still smiling. Now we know why the Buddha always has that little smile~ He gets the joke. There is nothing to get and He gets it! Hahahahahahahahahaaaaa! |